Playing rugby… horseback

Spain stands out in 'horseball', mixing riding and basketball

El horseball es una mezcla de la equitación, rugby and basketball, because the points are marked in a hole like a basket of sufficient. "It's a sport that engages", Calvo explains Atocha, one of the players of Soto del Espinar, last weekend participated in the Cup Spain, played at the club La Plaza (Villanueva de la Cañada) Catalonia, Castilla y León, Galicia and Madrid.

Contrary to what one might expect, el horseball no es un deporte exclusivo. "Starting to practice it is cheaper than other most popular, like golf. Keep in mind that, right now, horses almost give them away. The only problem is keeping, but for some 300 euros per month can have one ", Czech recounts. He argues that 15 enough euros to start: "And then you see if you like it, and can, you buy a horse ".

Spain is one of the major powers in the world of football, France dominates much superiority. "Is that the sport originated there, when an officer brought the ball to improve military horsemen riding. He thought, only if the soldiers are concerned about anything, would forget about the possible reaction of the horse ", Czech explains.

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